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The R.I.S.E Program is a journey to empower people to move past limitations and evolve their character for a greater potential and future


Course 1: R.I.S.E.

Consists of four foundational modules;

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Sunrise on Matterhorn from Riffelsee

Reflection - is about finding clarity by opening up to the truth of your life experiences and exploring all the events in your life that have shaped who you've become today and the lens you're looking at life through. Often events, experiences and people have influenced our lens in empowering and limiting ways. This is about reflecting by looking into the mirror of our life, seeing and freeing ourselves of the stories we have associated to our past. Using a proven approach that explores the 7 layers of evolution in your life, you will discover significant events that have shaped who you've become and begin the process of unlocking your potential by being empowered by CHOICE. 

Introspection - is having the courage deeply explore your thoughts, feelings, choices & patterns and discerning those that serve you or limit you. Discovering that your challenges in life can become your greatest strengths and subtle shifts in mindset and perspective can empower the strengths that you've gained in every challenge by unwrapping the gifts that were given to you, though often wrapped and hidden in layers of emotional fog. Through the process of learning to trust yourself and introspection you will find the strengths of your character and how they are connected to the purpose of your life.

Meditation by the Sea

Severing - is cutting the leash to emotions, stories and relationships to people and things that are holding back the full potential of your character and purpose. Detachment is a key trait that you will explore how to empower and master. Through acceptance and mastering the process of detachment you amplify the power of choice.   You can now take steps forward in life that serve you and those you value. Emotional patterns and addictions of the past will no longer control you and you will be able to start paving ways into different parts of life from a foundation of character strengths, that are uniquely your own. 

Evolution - is where you now set a direction with new vision for the future. Develop exciting new strategies & become empowered to achieve your new goals with the space created by things you've let go of that were holding you back and clouding your purpose. Evolution is about mindful growth in a direction you wish to head toward and attracting people and results into your life that are fulfilling and inspiring. Life through this expanded lens sees challenges as growth and opportunities become abundant and empowered by self-discipline.

Exploring Nature

Start with a Discovery Session 

Duration:                  30 minutes

Session Type:         Personal 1 on 1

Session Platform: Online / Zoom


This is an introductory session which provides you with the opportunity to share with me a deeper insight into  you and your story. And to gain a greater insight, clarity and comfort with me and how the RISE program can benefit you.


This session can be used for;

  • First steps into further coaching

  • Question & answer

  • Specific advice

  • Motivation or clarification

  • Exploration

RISE Character Empowerment Public Program 

Duration:                  4x 1.5 Hour

Session Type:         Live Group

Session Platform: Online / Zoom


This is a compacted version of the full RISE program, designed to all ow you to access the proven value of RISE

at a low cost and through a supportive group where you can buy additional options at your choice.


Additional Options

  • 1 on 1 Personal coaching

  • Character Cards

  • Character Assessment

  • Email Support

Online Workshop
On a Video Call

RISE Intensive 1 on 1 Program

Duration:                  5x 1 Hour

Session Type:         Personal 1 on 1

Session Platform: Online / Zoom


Re-discover your value, worth and self belief. Understand your character and what makes you so awesome and how you can use this to detach from the past and re-ignite your passion for life, your self-confidence and your hope for the future.  

In the R.I.S.E Intensive Program You get

  • R.I.S.E Program & Program booklet

  • 5hr’s of 1 x 1 specialised coaching

  • Email Support


Additional Options

  • 1 on 1 Personal coaching

  • Character Cards

  • Character Assessment

RISE Intensive Personal 1 on 1 Program 

Duration:                  10 Hours - fully customised

Session Type:         Personal 1 on 1

Session Platform: Online / Zoom / In person


Re-discover your value, worth and self belief. Understand your character and what makes you so awesome and how you can use this to detach from the past and re-ignite your passion for life, your self-confidence and your hope for the future.  

In the full R.I.S.E Program You get

  • R.I.S.E Customised Program & Program booklet

  • 10hr’s of 1 x 1 specialised coaching

  • Deck of 120 Character Cards

  • ShareTree Character assessment and full report

  • Email Support

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