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Young Business Colleagues


What is business coaching:

It is wisdom, experience and accountability detached from influence. It is the ultimate tool to achieve extraordinary results.

Who is it for:

Every business owner. Whether your a start up in your first business wanting to mitigate the risks and triple down on the returns, whether your a mature business that has lost it's way, or whether your a flourishing reputable brand wanting to expand, an experienced outside mind is paramount. 

What are the benefits:

The best analogy of this is to look at why the top athletes of the world have coaches. In the first instance they bring perspective from angles that aren't visible to you. They help you realise your preliminary goals and continually push you to exceed them. They pave the way for you to realise your full potential and break through any limitations holding you back.


In business it's all of this to empower you to convert higher levels of revenue into great percentages of profit. The compounding effect in business is multiplied by your team.

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Business Solutions

As co-contributor and partner in the ShareTree Group, we offer the most comprehensive business solutions from the best in the business.

Specialising in team Culture, engagement, productivity, character & gratitude.

Specialising in continuous improvement and operational efficiency.

Strategy, Lean, Six Sigma & performance. 

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Meeting Room Business


Strategy & Planning


Understanding your purpose, setting the appropriate goals  strategically planning measurable action plans that guides their entire organisation in the same direction is critical to achieve business success. 


Strategic coaching focuses on specific goals, such as:

  • Increasing productivity

  • Boosting customer satisfaction

  • Improving customer or employee retention rates

  • Reducing overhead costs,

  • and more!  

Chess Game
Giving a Presentation

Leadership Training


Leaders have a 5X ripple effect throughout the organisation and great leadership is the key to driving profitable outcomes.

Featuring interactive workshops, our programs provide the formula for character development, enabling the transformation of team culture into thriving states of unity, productivity and innovation.

Our programs will empower leaders to drive increased revenue, overcome adversity, become more effective and have better  reach and impact and how to recruit and retain talent.

Sales & Marketing

Sales is the lifeblood of all organisations, and marketing is the gateway to sales.

Effective sales is about asking the right questions and understanding how to deliver a scaleable and repeatable solution  that adds significant value to your customers.

Our programs will empower you & your teams with skills in process, goal setting & reporting, communication, negotiation, overcoming objections, networking, value stacking, closing, etc.

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Business Meeting

Advisory Board

Having an effective board ensures that internal practices run at the level they should and is the basis of successful business.

As a business, you will need different types of advice depending on your growth stage. 

Research shows that small and medium enterprises perform significantly better with independent advisory board advice in terms of sales, productivity and profitability.

Culture & Recruitment

People are the lifeblood of all organisations and culture is the gateway to engagement, productivity and increased profitability. 

We have developed a technology that is powered by detailed analytics that support character evolution, employee retention and recruitment decisions.

We Measure, evolve and showcase the character strengths of your organisation to get better results. Gain insights that go beyond the pulse check surveys and uncover cultural leaders so that you can build and sustain an engaged workforce.

Team Culture Engagement is the Key Driver of Profitable Performance and Well-being.

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Lean & Six Sigma

Meeting Room Business

Continuous Improvement


We provide Nationally Accredited and Internationally Certified programs for individuals and organisations in Lean & Six Sigma methodologies, which are highly sought-after capabilities.


The knowledge and skills gained through accreditation and certification provide the foundation for personal and career success that opens up opportunities to elevate individuals to management and leadership positions.


Individuals skilled in Lean & Six Sigma methodologies make a significant impact on the growth and profitability of their organisations.


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